Tagore’s sharp criticism in the 1930s was when the adult literacy rate in India was around 15%. Today, the literacy rate is 74.04%(census 2011). However, Tagore’s words still hold relevance. The world has changed immensely and so has Education! That brings us to the important question.
-Rabindranath Tagore. Education is not merely the process of learning or acquiring knowledge. It also includes learning skills, imbibing values, and developing habits. It is a social process, as mentioned by John Dewey- ‘a process of living and not a preparation for future living’. As per this view, educators focus on working ‘with’ students and not ‘on’ them. The primary goal is to EDUCE, to bring about or develop something hidden, perhaps a talent or trait. Advancements in Neuroscience have brought to the forefront the complexity of cognition. Learning does not just involve a physical and mental dimension but also a social dimension. Humans are social animals. Therefore educators must create relationships and environments for holistic learning rather than drilling knowledge/facts into students. We at Sunbeam understand the importance of this paradigm. We encourage the pursuit of excellence not just in academics but in sports and all arts, for the overall development of our students, in line with the larger goal of nation-building. We are committed to moulding the most important resource of our nation- young, impressionable minds- into successful leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals. Of all the attributes required for effective education, one that comes up high on my list, even top of it, is HOPE. Hope is analogous to curiosity, to energy, to the belief that something is worth doing. At Sunbeam, we create an environment to nurture that HOPE. An environment that is socially inclusive, secular, disciplined, empowering, and fosters brotherhood. Vice Chairman
Dr. George Arvind
Dr. George Arvind is a medical doctor and holds a ‘School Leadership’ diploma from Harvard University.
In my view, the imposing tower of misery which today rests on the heart of India has its sole foundation on the absence of education.”