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Healthy Eating Habit at Sunbeam

Children need a BALANCED DIET to fuel their growing brains, muscles and bodies. Sunbeam provides a COMPLETELY HEALTHY AND BALANCED MEALS while inculcating HEALTHY EATING HABITS AND DINING ETIQUETTE. FRESH INGREDIENTS from local farms are sourced and food preparation goes through a rigorous process, focusing on HYGIENE AND QUALITY. The food reaches the student after the confirmation of the chief nutrition officer. Every Sunbeamian is instilled with a CONCERN FOR THE FOOD they eat, hence putting a check on the wastage of food. The students are taught and encouraged not to waste food.


Our Features

Air- conditioned

Lego Robotic Lab

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are key pillars in our education system. However, these fields are best taught through practical and interactive learning methods. Sunbeam has one of the most well-equipped and state-of-the-art robotics labs that house Electronic Building Blocks, 3D Printing, and engineering software. It is one of the most innovative, effective, and easiest ways for the students to get a hands-on/exploratory learning experience and develop interest in STEM while honing their analytic and problem-solving skills.

Air- conditioned

LADY HAWK Language Lab

To master the art of communication, you need to learn a language. Our English language lab is furnished with an internationally acclaimed software package to train our students with the right accent, flow, diction, and various other versions used throughout the world. Regular classes are scheduled for all, and expert teachers help with the learning process.

Virtual Reality Lab

Our virtual reality lab helps broaden students’ horizons and helps to integrate their engagement with academia. This lab, motivate pupils to immerse themselves in cutting-edge experiences that blend virtual reality, neutral intelligence, augmented reality, and the power of interactive learning.

3D printing & Foldscope Lab

3D printing is truly innovative for bringing ideas to life and motivating students to invent and reinvent. By creating objects from a computer screen to something tangible that a student can hold and inspect, we believe that hands-on experience does not get any better than this. With the world’s rapid development in this field, we have seen 3D printing make a sizable impact on all sectors. For example, a fold-scope – a student-friendly microscope that fits into a geometry box, can make children love science and ultimately develop a scientific intuition and mindset. The foldable origami microscope can also be used as an educational and research tool.

Thiruvalluvar Hall

The Thiruvalluvar Hall is advanced and sophisticated. With a seating capacity of 500 children, it provides an awe-inspiring theatrical effect when used for all types of school events, parent’s meetings, and guest lectures. It is equipped with modern systems, like LCD projector, and a large screen.

Visionary Hall

The Visionary Hall is one of the most unique and standout facilities that Sunbeam offers to its students. It is 20,000 sq. ft. in size and can accommodate more than 4,000 people. Innumerable state-level competitions, seminars, workshops, symposiums, review meetings, debates, and conferences regularly take place here. Complete with modern lighting, audiovisual arrangements, and an immaculately constructed permanent stage, it is the perfect place to host extracurriculars, inter-house, inter-school activities, and competitions.

Modern Multi GYM

Only when you are physically fit will your mind be fully fit. Sunbeam believes in focusing on maintaining the robust physical health of its children with the Sunbeam Youth Center (Gym). With its modern equipments it facilitates Sunbeamians to develop and inculcate fitness regimes from a young age.


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