My journey in Sunbeam started when I was a young girl in 2007. Sunbeam was my first school and was one of the best and most loved schools in my entire city. Sunbeam is a wonderful school with a great reputation and also has a beautiful green campus where it’s filled with positive vibrations. It has great teachers and admiring seniors who have come up with great achievements and my beloved friends. When I started my schooling in Sunbeam I was literally nervous and scared. Later after my entire journey in Sunbeam, I was confident and was able to look up to my goals and focus on my dreams. Sunbeam shaped my personality and taught me invaluable lessons. Sunbeam not only focuses on academics but also has various extracurricular activities where all students have opportunities to participate that bring out their creativity and emphasizes the overall development of students. I always actively participate in all competitions which gave me self-confidence, courage and to get rid of stage fear. Along with these we also have Sunfest which is extravagant and I look forward to taking part in culturals along with my friends and enjoy the whole process. WHAT HAS SUNBEAM TAUGHT ME? The most important thing which I learned from sunbeam is to be confident, ambitious and to handle tough situations in life and to face and overcome failures which made me sharpen my mind not to give up and face them fearlessly. Sunbeam also taught me to develop various skills apart from academics, and how to be considerate towards plants/trees and the importance of the environment, conservation and sustainable development. And I also learned gardening and potted a few edible plants in my home inspired by Sunbeam. All my skills and studies were enhanced by my teachers and I’m proud to thank them heartfully. Few mentions are Harigopalan sir, Rajee mam, Rathish sir, Vidya mam, Usha mam, Sumati mam, Swapna mam, Hema mam, Vasuki mam and Basker sir, who all have supported and given me confidence. Sunbeam also has morning assembly, where they make us meditate every day and it also freshens our minds with positivity and euphoria. Sunbeam also gives us motivational lessons by bringing great personalities to the campus. Not only them but also our Harigopalan sir, Rajee mam and teachers give us inspiring speeches, which motivated me a lot. Sunbeam is also great for sports. It has all kinds of games/sports to play and a huge playground. There are various s competitions and we also have a sports day. We enjoy playing a lot during PT hours and the PT teachers are energetic all day. Sunbeam has an air-conditioned library where it is filled with books of great authors. We also can borrow books from the library and read them during our leisure hours which is a good thing for book lovers. And it also has various reference books for competitive exams. Sunbeam also encourages students to travel by taking them on yearly school trips. And one of my most memorable was The US trip to NASA Kennedy space center, where we had a great opportunity to interact with the astronaut Mr. Bruce E. Melnik and the other day went to the astronaut training centre where we had a realistic experience of the space. We visited Disneyland which was fascinating, Miami University and a career guidance session. I had a good time with my friends and teachers. During the entire trip, our teachers took good care of us ensuring proper safety. I could get back those days again and have the same experience with all of them and trust me all of these were only possible in Sunbeam. I’m very thankful and grateful to Sunbeam for all the experiences, and I’m proud to be a Sunbeamian! Written By, CHERUKUPALLI JIGEESHA. My Life In Sunbeam By Cherukupalli Jigeesha