Looking for a job, I came across the advertisement of the Sunbeam School in “The Hindu”. As the saying goes “Audentes fortuna iuvat” (“Fortune favors the bold“) I applied and got the job. Entering the majestic gate was like Julius Caesar saying “Alea iacta est,” or “The die is cast,” while crossing Italy’s Rubicon river with his army. The bolt from the blue was the well-constructed buildings, the wonderful layout, the abundance of space, the wide-open playfield, the ability to pack an audience type of auditoriums, the recreational facilities and most of all the hustle and bustle of smiling faces of the abundant children, the busy bee attitude of the staff, teachers and management. Basking in this breathtaking view; the overbearing emotion that underlined all emotions was“ if this is not Sunbeam what is! This is my sunbeam School! It radiates rays of happiness, learning and achievement! This is my Sunbeam School! It warms a child’s heart towards the conceptual, mathematical, analytical and empirical learning processes involved in becoming a shining star! This is my Sunbeam School! It offers a dream come true future; a holistic education; a learning road to success! This is my Sunbeam School! Illuminating the darkness of illiteracy; torching and lighting up young minds! The Sunbeam School: Best CBSE School in Vellore has been in existence and has been touching, shaping, moulding and remaking children’s lives for over 3 decades. The very name itself speaks volumes! Like the rays of the sun touching the earth to make it grow and prosper so also the Sunbeam School has been making dreams a reality. As Jacque Maritain once said, “A child is not a vase to be filled but a fire to be lit.” so also The Sunbeam School has been touching and torching lives with its well–rounded education. A proud boast of everyone here at Sunbeam is that: if anyone has the ability, the capacity, or the eligibility enough to enter the canopy of the Sunbeam School then confidence, communication, creativity and compassion are assured! Being a member I have come to realize this. “Acta non-Verba” or actions, not words are so very true here at Sunbeam. The results, the achievements, the quality, the infrastructure, the setup are a living testament to this fact that we lead by actions not just words. Let us be torchbearers lighting up and illuminating our families, our communities, our locality, our district, our state, our nation, our world through and through. Written By, Jerome John Skylight At Sunbeam

Skylight At Sunbeam
Skylight At Sunbeam